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Clima Research works only with the highest class air conditioning systems of the largest manufacturers




Toshiba Carrier Corporation

Toshiba Carrier Corporation







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Construction of air conditioning
administrative and
industrial installations

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Quality guaranteed. Clima Research


The activity of the company is focused on the construction of air conditioning administrative and industrial installations.

Design, supply and installation

We provide design, delivery and installation of HVAC systems of cooling and heating (centralized and decentralized) with electric and gas chillers, regenerative systems for complete air treatment, including those for medical and sanitary buildings. We work with products of the American-Japanese company Toshiba Carrier, as well as those of the Japanese company Daikin.


Our company relies entirely on young, capable people with excellent education and the right approach to work.




Our mission

Our company is known for its professional approach to solving clients' most complex engineering and business challenges. Our efforts are focused on both innovative technologies and investment projects. Our role in organizing projects with investment purpose is not only in finding appropriate solutions, but also in building an overall concept for the realization of the investment: profitability of the project, necessary initial investment and budgeting, optimal design, securing necessary permits from state and municipal authorities, quality execution of all types of construction and finishing works, investor (engineering and financial) control during the investment, commissioning and implementation of the investment project to end customers.


At Clima Research Ltd. we work with the products of the best manufacturers of air conditioning systems in the world.


One of the world's largest manufacturers of air...

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Toshiba Carrier Corporation

For the past 54 years, Toshiba has been researc...

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Valsir was founded in 1987 on the basis of a pr...

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TFT Dry Air Solutions is the branch specialized...

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The history of the Thermocold brand begins in 1...

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Main tasks for the company

The main task for the company is that our proposed concept reflects our vision of product quality, precision craftsmanship, simplicity and clarity for the customer. The customer should be in no doubt that our company offers professional and high quality solutions. Each of our proposals and concepts provides the client with a complete project with equipment from reputable manufacturers.

  • Flexible package of services depending on the specific requirements of each client.
  • Concentrated and balanced construction schedule leading to economies of scale for the benefit of our clients.
  • Error-free document processing
  • Employee training programs

  • In relation to the planned collaboration with the company BulBio and the long-term development of its laboratories and its base in Suhodol, it is planned to re-equip and further develop the air conditioning and ventilation systems. For this purpose, we have relied on Daikin machines and equipment with integrated control in order to facilitate the realization of the set objectives.
  • In connection with the execution of the second part of the project of Sofia Golf Club and the new buildings in its complex, it is planned to complete the ventilation and air conditioning systems with VRV and Daikin chillers.

We are the professional

We are the company
Clima Research Ltd

Clima Research Company in Bulgaria Sofia

Industrial solutions

Industrial solutions


Office systems

One of the best air conditioning solutions at this time is the installation of VRV (Daikin) or VRF ( Toshiba) systems, inverter water chillers (mini chillers)

Климатични системи

Home systems

Heat Pump Systems
Air conditioning system with fresh air
Ionization and air humidification

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